Qualities Of An Electrical Engineer Expert Witness

By Michelle Edwards

When a young person is deciding on the career path to follow, they may be overwhelmed by the many choices at their disposal. One way of handling these items is by checking if one possesses the qualities of the people in the careers of interests. An electrical engineer expert witness ought to have the following attributes.

For an agency to consider your application, they have to be sure that you have extensive knowledge on matters concerning your field of work. You must hence be a trained and certified professional. The kind of experience you have in the area will help them gauge your expertise too. People that have worked for an extended period are more knowledgeable as they have dealt with different situations that may seem challenging for beginners.

You ought to have excellent research skills. When a case is presented to you, you will need to gather information right from the planning of the affected project to the current situation. More information will be gained through interviews with various stakeholders and reading books to prepare a report. If you lack research skills, your report will be shallow and insignificant.

One has to be very attentive when working on any case. There are so many causes of accidents, and your report will influence the verdict in a big way, meaning you have a role to play in helping people gain justice. You must hence be very careful when conducting your research. Ignoring details that seem insignificant could hold someone liable for a mistake they did not commit.

Writing skills will be needed when making a report. You have to state all your findings and later give your opinion on the whole issue. One should be in a position to express his points in writing as the jury will go through the report before making a verdict following the format recommended by the court when writing is crucial as well.

You will present these findings to the court too. Possessing excellent public speaking skills will help you do this with confidence and even answer a few questions. However, if you are tense and lack composure, your findings will not be taken seriously regardless of the kind of research you will have conducted. Start training on public speaking early enough. Take part in debates and forums to help you gain confidence.

Independence and transparency make an excellent professional. Your report should be honest with all your findings noted down. Hiding important information in a bid to protect the defendant in court may land you in trouble. You should also conduct your research independently without being influenced by the attorney and his already gathered evidence. Even when correcting your format, the attorney should not alter your findings.

This is a profession that demands high levels of time management. A single case requires you to do a lot of work within a limited period. Spending most of your time on irrelevant issues will have you failing to meet the set deadlines, and this will be a great disappointment to your agency and clients. Ensure you create a schedule for each task.

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