Color Coding Dot Stickers Help Parents Plan Their Schedule

By Frank Stone

Selling items online or live is a nice way to make money if the seller is in tune with what a particular audience wants. For some, the startup costs can be low and depending on where they reside, they can have cash in their pocket every week. However, it takes skills like being able to visualize, market, and organize. Since competition is often steep, this is not an area where a person should slack off. Using color coding dot stickers to set selling dates, acquire goods, and maintain inventory is necessary to stay ahead.

Even though a child may have things they want to do, it helps when parents give them responsibilities as early as possible. While the age may be debatable, starting midway through elementary school is often a good start. Chores should become a regular routine and increased as children age.

This is a fair tradeoff for parents who are always on the run taking their children, and possibly their friends, different places. Choosing to do all of the chores, running errands, and spending quality time can become tiresome. Although working at home is convenient for many, an individual needs a break.

While it costs little to nothing to list an item online, this should not be done blindly. In other words, do not just create a listing with an image or two and a general description on a high traffic site. Lists of online sellers can be found for free and taking the time to learn about what sells the fastest where will certainly pay off.

Some families find using a whiteboard to be acceptable and can work when everyone accepts they have work to do in the home. This does not work in a household where one or more persons prefers to shirk off their responsibilities to another individual. If the parents are super busy with work, they may want to consider using a tool that can be wiped away.

Other details worth considering are the products used to clean. These days, plant based cleaners and those not made with harsh chemicals are preferred by many. Some people are allergic to fumes that come from ammonia or commercial cleaners. While many people know their social circle, they may want to note whether an individual has a preference for a cleaning product.

Once a person gets the hang of the selling technique that works for them, they can get a calendar to begin the organizing process. A blank calendar is good for determining days to shop for new inventory, create new listings, and network. Having a blog is helpful because it can be the nucleus for those who share similar interests and may have the potential to generate lazy revenue.

Creating order is not always easy at first but many parents manage to prioritize and work as a team. It may take a number of systems or tools to get it together but the effort will certainly pay off. Although an immediate reward should not be an immediate incentive, kids often gain a sense of pride when they know they can do something well. This type of child is most likely to become a great achiever and not lazy.

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