How To Select The Best Project Financing Option For Your Business

By Frances Sullivan

Finances play a crucial part in the success of an entrepreneurial venture. The challenge for many business owners is how to raise capital. Luckily, third party project financing is available from different entities and venture capitalists. How do you pick a financier to partner for your business? Here are tips that help you secure finances without losing your stake or reputation.

What terms of repayment have been given? The terms make it reasonable to take money or leave it. You must get a reasonable period to begin repaying. You also need to repay an amount that does not send you into bankruptcy. The best financiers give you a chance to stabilize before repayment begins. Choose a financing option that is flexible and would allow you to negotiate the terms later if the need arises.

What is the rate of interest and are there fees you will be required to pay? Such terms determine how much you pay beyond the amount you had borrowed. Compare what difference finance institutions or investors are offering. These fees will determine the amount left as profit. They should be within industry rates and friendly to your nature of operations.

Can you comfortably access to these finances? Each financier has conditions that must be met before lending. You need an assurance that you can access the money without loss of copyright, for example, or having to restructure the business. The money should also be available whenever it is required for your operations. You will feel comfortable running a business that is appropriately financed.

Is the financier offering more support for your operations? Investors usually have established networks and infrastructure that can support operations. Part of the benefits of working with such financiers includes riding on their networks and clients. This arrangement would save you money for advertising and in the process improve your profit margin.

Protect your reputation by partnering with the right companies. There are investors whose reputation is already damaged. Associating with them leaves you exposed to ridicule and unethical behaviors. You would rather forego such an opportunity and take time to build a brand than damage it through such association. Your potential is more important than the short term gains you could be looking at.

Protect your mission from manipulation because of finances. Change of mission takes away control over the business and dilutes your influence. You also have to change the course of your business into one that is unknown or uncertain. The change of mission or idea can only happen upon mutual agreement.

What happens if the idea does not work? Every business must prepare for this moment. The financier should offer an option to renegotiate. This could include adding more finances or a grace period so that your finances can stabilize. Avoid financiers with punitive terms that would hurt your business in case there is a glitch.

The search for business or project funding must respect the original mission. If changes will happen because capital has been injected, these changes must be mutual and for the good of your idea. Have a partner who gives you confidence that your aims and goals will be realized.

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