How To Profit With Limu

By Ricardo Interpermian

Limu distributors: Are you committed to creating a gigantic business? If you are, read this entire article right now.

If you seek to become a top earner, the way to do it is to implement a promotional plan that puts your message in front of thousands of people - not merely a handful of friends, family members and people you know.

You MUST learn to market!

Read the rest of this article to learn several strategies top 2% earners are using to build large and lucrative businesses:

- Focus On Marketing More Than Duplication

Traditionally, network marketers in opportunities such as Limu are taught to keep their business-building activities extremely simple and duplicatable by others Focus On Marketing More Than Duplication Traditionally, network marketers in companies like Limu are taught to keep their business-building activities extremely simple and duplicatable by others in their downline..

Does this keep everything duplicatable strategy actually work? For a small minority of marketers, this approach works well. But for the masses of network marketers in companies like Limu, keeping all the activities in their business simple will NOT necessarily promote duplication.

Check out these facts:

- Only about 20% of network marketers in Limu ever sponsor anyone at all.

- Of those that do sponsor people, most will only sponsor 2-3 people total.

- 80 percent of people in your Limu organization will sponsor zero people...that's right: zero!

The keep-everything-duplicatable strategy that network marketers in Limu are taught (like some ancient gospel) actually only causes 20% of the people to sponsor anyone...and they tend to sponsor a tiny number of people!

Keeping everything you do duplicatable will NOT maximize your Limu income and it also creates problems few talk about. The most popular tactic to keep things simple is warm market recruiting, making a list of friends and family and then prospecting them to try to get them to join Limu.For decades network marketers have been teaching this strategy not because it's the best but because its the most simple...but simple does not mean effective!

This strategy can actually lead to people quitting Limu. After a person runs out of friends and family to talk to about their Limu business, they often get frustrated and quit the business because they literally have NO IDEA how to do the one thing that can bring in new reps like clockwork, day in and day out: marketing and advertising. The other problem warm marketing recruiting creates is the strategy can push away the best prospects. The absolute best prospects for a Limu business, people with credibility and influence and transferable skills such as real estate brokers, professional sales people, and business professionals, are NOT likely to want to hit up their friends and family about a business. Many professionals want to protect their reputation and do NOT want to introduce their friends and colleagues to an opportunity that they just got started with such as Limu.

Should you start your Limu business with warm market recruiting? Yes. But unless you learn at least one rock solid marketing and advertising approach, you will run out of people to talk to. Keep in mind your highest quality prospects are going to want to implement a professionally sales and marketing approach as well. Learn how to market your business on the Internet, and you can attract extremely high caliber Limu prospects who want to learn the same. If only a few high caliber team members learn to market Limu online, you could build a very large Limu organization.""

- Learn To Market

Just like any store that advertises to bring in customers, you must market your business. It's amazing how little network marketers in companies like Limu are taught about real marketing.

Leads you buy, business cards and replicated websites are NOT marketing. A lot of these tools are ineffective and a waste of time. Real marketing has several ingredients:

Identify Your Target Market: Who is the ideal prospect for your Limu business? People who own businesses? Or people desperate for money? A great target market is other network marketers who are looking for a new company, way to promote, or a new mentor. Network marketers won't waste your time with stupid questions about whether this is a scam, a pyramid, etc. They have shown a proven willingness to pull out a credit card and buy stuff for their business.

Adopt A Compelling Position: If you promote Limu, so do thousands of other reps. What do you have to offer that's different from everyone else? You must define and communicate a differentiated value proposition.

Promotion Tactics: How will you generate leads once you have approached all your family and friends about Limu? Learn direct response online marketing tactics that produce leads.

Follow-Up Tactics: Once you generate a lead, how will you follow up? To follow up, call your leads, and add them to an automated email follow up system.

- Focus On One Thing At A Time

When multilevel marketers in companies such as Limu start to learn online marketing, these people try to master too many new things all at the same time. Instead of focusing on just a single way to pull people to their website, such as promoting on LinkedIn, they try to master these different free marketing strategies at the same time.

Rather than learn ONE place to advertise online, such as display advertising, or ezine ads, they attempt to learn how to profitably advertise in multiple formats, all at the same time. Because these people have spread themselves too thin, new Limu distributors often go into information overload, and complain about feeling overwhelmed.

And they end up quitting Limu. I've seen this pattern over and over. Do you want to build up a portfolio of different advertising channels over time for your Limu business? Without a doubt.

But this doesn't need to happen right away. At first, the most important thing is that you generate results. To create results, you must focus on only one tactic at first.

Once you're consistently generating 20-30 leads per day for your Limu business from this tactic, then move on to learning another tactic. Attempting to take on too many promotional tactics at the same time is not the best approach. By concentrating on learning one thing at a time, you will get more results, faster. You'll feel better about your Limu business because you're getting results, and your energy level will rise as a result.

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