Different Uses For Excavator Attachments

By Linda White

When you have big equipment, you can do the big jobs. The types of tools that are available for various smaller jobs work great for those, but for the larger jobs, it takes getting the right equipment. Since the machines take special training, having the right excavator attachments helps maximize those that are trained to get the larger jobs done faster and more efficiently.

Augers are able to dig holes quickly. There are several types, but most often are found being used by a utility company. They use them to dig holes to put electric poles up for power. They can also be used by landscapers that are in the process of planting trees and shrubbery. This will save a lot of time digging the holes and maximize the efforts.

Buckets come with and without thumbs. When you're digging a deep hole, these are great. If there happen to be large rocks and boulders that cannot be easily moved, the thumb provides a way to pick the rock up and deposit it out of the way. By using the thumb, you avoid having to blast the rock, which requires a professional licensed blaster.

Compactors get things ready for a foundation. If the soil needs to be compacted and you are unable to get a road roller in position, you can add the attachment to the excavator and get it in position. They can also be used when a roller isn't available and you're in the process of building a road.

Moving material is made easier by using grapples. There are many different designs for these tools. The square grappler is used to pick up crates and other square or boxed materials. Those with teeth are used in metal scrap yards to grab hundreds of pounds of material at once. This makes the job go faster without having to use forklifts all the time.

Using a jackhammer works well with concrete. But, in situations where it is a wall and not a sidewalk that needs to be broken up, having the person physically there may end up in injury or death. With this attached to a big machine, the angle can be set to bring down the wall without worrying about a person being too close to get injured.

Using a ripper will break up soil fast and easily. In the tundra or places where the winter freeze is very harsh, getting through the ground can be difficult. Opening new ground for farming can be just as difficult. Using the ripper will break through the frozen or compacted soil and make large chunks. These can then be removed or ground into smaller pieces depending on the end result desired.

Having the right tool makes any job go much easier. Using smaller tools is great for smaller jobs. But the larger jobs require getting through the work quickly, thus requiring larger tools for the job. For bigger equipment, the right attachments will make quick work of whatever job needs to be done.

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