Protecting Yourself With Tick Repellent

By Jessica Miller

Scientists have increased their warnings to the public about the dangers of ticks. These pests are now known to cause a host of illnesses including allergies that can alter a person's diet or cause the onset of autoimmune disorders like Lyme disease. When you live, work, or spend time in surroundings where these insects live, you might wonder how you can avoid coming into contact with them. You might safeguard your health by learning how to utilize commercial tick repellent safely and effectively.

Most mainstream grocery stores as well as home improvement and sporting goods stores sell this product. You can find most sprays for low prices. They do not cost a lot of money and are relatively easy for most people to afford. As available as they are to the public, they still require users to take some safeguards before applying the sprays to skin and clothing.

The foremost hazard stems from the cloud of chemicals that arises each time it is sprayed. The aerosol design of the product causes a burst of air that can quickly encompass you if you use the product in a poorly ventilated area. You may inhale the chemicals and suffer respiratory distress like coughing, wheezing, or difficulties breathing.

Before you use it, you are encouraged to open a window or a door or keep a fan on while you apply it to your clothing and skin. This circulation of air will ensure the chemicals will blow away from your nose and mouth and spare you from respiratory symptoms. This precaution can be especially important if you plan to use it on your children.

You also want to protect your pets from ticks. Cats and dogs can be bitten by these pests and likewise suffer health complications. It might seem like common sense to spray them down with this product. However, it is made for humans and not animals. Animals are protected from ticks when they have collars and powders put on them that are designed to keep these insects at bay.

If you have never before used this kind of product, you may do well to watch out for signs of allergies. Some of the tell-tale signs of allergies in humans include rashes, skin irritations, blisters, and difficulties breathing. If you experience pain, burning, or swelling after spraying it on you, you may need to seek help from the nearest doctor's office or emergency room.

As a last precaution, safety experts advise people to wash off the spray at the end of the day to prevent skin irritation, rashes, and other risks. Taking a shower and using a mild soap can be enough to wash away the residue of the product. You may then reapply a fresh layer of it the next time you plan on going outdoors where ticks live.

Ticks cause illnesses like Lyme disease and autoimmune disorders. Repellents are effective in keeping the insects at bay, however. These products are thorough in their abilities. However, users are reminded to use some basic tips to ensure they do not suffer health complications.

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