Facts About Deep Hole Drilling

By Catherine Parker

Human beings have engaged in the process of drilling holes for long period now. Initially, the methods used were basic and not very effective. However, as a result of technological advancements, deep hole drilling methods have advanced a lot. It is currently possible to reach great depths very fast and less costly. Drilling operations are also currently done on a much larger scale as before.

Well drilling is a process that people engage in for various reasons. Among the most important reasons is extraction of natural resources. People seek to extract ground water, petroleum, brine, and natural gas among others. Holes may at times be drilled to allow for injection of surface fluids into subsurface wells. Finally, researchers in need of studying subsurface formations usually drill holes to gain access to those depths. When the purpose of the drilling is to explore natural resources, then this process referred to by the term borehole drilling.

The reason for which holes were drilled initially was to extract underground water. The digging was done in places where the water table was determined to be near the surface. That made the holes shallow and wide in diameter. Masonry and wood was used to line the walls so that the wells do not collapse over their own weight. Accidents were thus reduced and kept in check.

Mechanical and manual options are the two main kinds of options one has to pick from when drilling wells today. Complexity and cost of equipment varies from simple and cheap to exorbitant and complex. Long drill shafts are used in modern drilling techniques. With the long drill shafts, it is possible to make deeper and narrower holes that would be impossible to achieve with manual mechanisms.

Different kinds of drill bits exist today that it can be difficult to choose which one to work with. Lucky enough, there are many holes that have been drilled in the world so far, with some locations having several holes in one place. As such, information from adjacent wells is often based upon when choosing the kind of drill bits to use in an operation. It is also possible to change the drill bits as deemed appropriate during the process.

Drill bits in the modern time are classified as roller cones or fixed cutters only. Fixed cutters are named so because they are comprised of no moving parts. They gouge rocks through forces such as shearing, scrapping, and abrasion. They are made of various material including hotpressed inserts, polycrystalline diamond compact, and natural diamond.

On the other hand, roller drill bit is composed of moving parts and drilling occurs as a result of movement applied against the rock. These kinds of bits are made from tungsten carbide inserts or milled tooth. Tungsten carbide inserts is used for harder formations while milled tooth is preferred for softer rocks formations.

The two kinds of drill bits come in a wide variety of models. Each model is intended for different drilling situations. This means that the manufacturing and inclusion of composites is done with this in mind. The level of efficiency can also be enhance by incorporating enhancements into the bits.

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