Best Strategic Fundraising Methods To Start Using Today

By Scott Campbell

Running a charity is quite demanding on resources. That is why you need to raise as much money as you can. To achieve this goal, you need to employ various strategic fundraising methods. This will ensure that you can operate for as long as possible. Here are some tips that will help you to get more people to give money to your charity.

When asking people to give money to your organization, suggest to them how much money they should give. Do this by asking them to choose different ranges. This increases the chances of them donating more cash than if they were left to give however much they thought was appropriate. Give them the option of also deciding how much they would like to give if it doesn't fall within the ranges that you have suggested.

Even though getting a onetime big donation is good, you are better off getting monthly givers. This makes your monthly income level more predictable. People who give monthly are more likely to give over a longer period of time. It is also easier to maintain a relationship with them due to the repeated interaction.

Create credibility by proving that other people are giving to your organization. This encourages other people to give too since they will be convinced that your cause is worth supporting. The best way to show that you are legitimate is by showing how much money you intend to raise and then highlighting the amount raised so far. Also, show the number of people who have donated.

Donors want to know that the money they have given has not been misused. That is why it is important that you are transparent about what you do with the money collected. If possible, publish reports that show how money is allocated. Keep your operational costs low and try to direct as much of the money as possible to the cause being supported.

You need to recognize your donors. If you acknowledge them in public, so much the better. This will motivate them to give more since their cash is being appreciated. That is why it is advisable to come up with a way to acknowledge donors publicly. It can be by printing their names on your website or newsletter or in yearly financial statements.

Ask your donors to help you raise more cash. Most givers want to be more involved with the causes that they are giving to. They will be willing to raise more cash for you by informing people they know about their cause. To make it easy for other people to fundraise for you, use easy to use software to help them get started with their fundraising plan.

Ask for the donation. Do not be afraid to ask for the money. You have to be straightforward about it. This involves including a call to action in all the communication documents that you send out to your donors. For instance, you can ask them to send money within a certain time frame, or sign up for an event or join a mailing list. Do not be shy about asking, since your donors are willing to help and will be more than glad to do what you want.

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