Knowing About The Different Roles Of A Construction Scheduler

By Ann Long

The CPM or the construction project management is the process of planning, coordinating, and controlling the project. Planning and scheduling are two of the most important parts in a construction management. These two can be a big help to the engineers in completing the projects on time and with the right budget. These factors aim on meeting the requirements of the clients for the production of projects which are financially and functionally viable.

The word construction does not only concern on the physical activities that are involving the materials, machinery, and men but also involves the overall scope of activities which is from the beginning up to the completion. When scheduling the project, the construction scheduler Fresno is very important. The roles that are fulfilled by the scheduler will change from time to time during the progress or cycle of a project.

The three roles or phases include performance control, commitment planning, and execution scheduling. First phase, the commitment planning or often called as feasibility planning. This phase involves the working of scheduler with the team to be able to plan for it. Strategies development and consensus gaining are done in this role. The schedulers are generally called as time management experts.

Second phase, the execution planning. Schedule development for the implementation is done in this role. The schedulers will facilitate the assembling information of the roles and also the sub contractors. Their role in this phase is integrating and testing the information which is being given by the team for the logic, common sense, and completeness through asking some questions. They also are responsible for schedule data and scheduling tools integrity.

Third is the performance control. In executing these, being the support is a role of scheduler through the maintenance of schedule, optimization of change outcomes, and advising his or her team for better performance. There are two mechanisms in maintaining the schedule and these are the update and status of processes. They should be alert always if changes are needed to avoid influencing the outcomes.

Aside from these three phases, there are also other roles such as project and process facilitator, time budgeter, minimize risk, and cost saver. Being a facilitator involves creating and establishing projects to all other stages up to completion. They have to know all the technical details of all aspects.

Another responsibility of schedulers is developing and managing the time budgets. This is done to be able to work with the team and estimate overall project duration and components. The execution schedule will identify the critical paths and for ensuring that the flow of work is efficient and is cost effective.

At the start of projects, the schedulers will need to assist for ensuring the establishment of realistic and achievable end dates. They should also provide warnings whenever the work is already behind the schedule. Thus, they must inform the manager for any relocations for enabling the late works be caught up.

And lastly is being the cost saver. Generally, they are considered as key for costs optimization. If the projects can be completed within the given time, these are still viable and are still profitable. So their roles are to plan, conceive, set up, and develop a projects value.

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