What You Need To Know About EU Medical Device Classification

By Beryl Dalton

A medical device is any equipment or apparatus which function is to prevent or treat illnesses. Some examples include computers that aid in transplant or implant processes, testing, or anything related to medicine. It may also include simple apparatus like surgical gloves, thermometers, or tongue depressors.

These are developed and designed by biomedical engineers. The production is long and very detailed. CAD helps in making the process faster and more productive. The European Union made legislations on safe clinical practice that requires the use of devices. With this, they created the EU medical device classification.

Software systems need to be verified for errors as much as the tangible equipment need to be checked for defects. Both are used to save lives of people, hence, must be classified according to their respective functions. Everything that you need to know about the classifications is contained in the national law of the European Union which includes the directives. The most crucial aim of the EU is to provide safe health services to the people.

The main objective of the European council is to give the best and safest health care services available to the citizens. They have set requirements and standards in the assessment of machines and apparatus used in clinics, hospitals, and other organizations. They classify these according to their use and functions.

In the nineties, they introduced the Medical Device Directives, which is a set of rules that govern the use of apparatus and materials for treatment. The directives control manufactured equipment and decide whether they are used for prevention, diagnosis, or treatment of diseases. They also cover the use of contraceptive materials. Health organizations as well as manufacturers of biomedical advancements are required by law to follow the directives.

There are three classifications of the directives. Those instruments used for implants or transplants, the simple apparatus like stethoscope, gloves, and tongue depressors. Finally, the materials for in vitro treatments are also classified. These aim to prevent, control, treat, and diagnose different and also classified diseases and conditions since these materials will be used to patients with different cases accordingly.

There is an appointed and authorized member of the state assigned to monitor and regulate the equipment and devices. He will be the one who will issue requirements and permits before clinical materials are put to use. He refers to the directives and ensure the application of the state law.

The European legislation ensures proper use of the medical equipment, examining all potential hazardous effects to human health before they are approved, especially that there are new biomedical advancements that are becoming a lot more technical since the nineties up to this date. There may be unexpected failures on the machines used for the treatment, diagnosis, and prevention of diseases, so they need to follow the directives that conform with standard health policies.

Any detected defects must be reported immediately to prevent health organizations from using them. It is also necessary to classify the materials appropriately before distributed to hospitals and clinics for easy monitoring. The welfare of the public must come first, so health organizations must abide by the law as well. Otherwise, there are sanctions that they will have to face.

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