Can Online Marketing Companies Support The Puppy Bowl?

By Arthur Williams

Now that the Super Bowl craziness has subsided, I believe that it is time to talk about one of the lesser-known attributes of that very day. I am, of course, referring to the Puppy Bowl, which takes places on TV during that very Sunday. Those who consider themselves animal lovers know all about this event and may even tune in to watch it. For those who are less familiar with this, I believe that it's a topic for any and all online marketing companies to cover.

The Puppy Bowl, for those who aren't in the know, is a type of television show that recreates a football game with puppies. Specifically, a group of small dogs play around a makeshift stadium, which is made more engaging with commentators talking over the spectacle. Despite its simple premise, the Puppy Bowl has amassed tremendous popularity over the course of time. This is especially noteworthy when you consider that this event has been a yearly mainstay since 2005.

As firms the likes of fishbat will tell you, the Puppy Bowl has the potential to reach out to a wide audience. You have to consider that a good amount of the Super Bowl viewing audience loves animals, which is why the former program does so well. However, what about those who aren't as into sports but adore animals all the same? This is one of the many reasons why the Puppy Bowl matters, to the perspectives of online marketing companies and the general audience to boot.

Another element of the Puppy Bowl deserves to be covered as well: the Kitty Half-Time Show. After an hour and fifteen minutes have passed, there is a slot of thirty minutes which is allowed for kittens to play on the field. This includes every from scratching posts to balls of yarn, too. I believe that this works because, when you think about it, not everyone can be considered a "dog person." What this does is round things out so that the aforementioned audience can be made that much broader.

Simply put, I think that there are plenty of reasons why the Puppy Bowl is a success each and every year. It's marketed well, which isn't difficult to do with the presence of small animals, and it appeals to probably the largest audience imaginable. As a result, the Puppy Bowl has grown popularity and it shows no signs of fading away anytime soon. Sometimes, Super Bowl viewers have to unwind and this is easily one of the finest ways for this to be done.

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