Things That Account For Variations In Balikbayan Box Price

By Patrick Butler

Most of us want to send back something of value and utility to people back home, and this is no less if you are Filipino. In fact it will most likely be more true if you are Filipino due to your sending balikbayan boxes back home. As such you will always want to know what the best Balikbayan box price is out there and also want to know what accounts for different kinds of pricing that you come across. If this is indeed the case then do read on in this article.

As a customer and consumer you may have noticed that when you do inquire about the balikbayan box from specific service providers that prices seem to fluctuate and others seem higher or lower for the same service. Put into your mind that the service provided is a business just like any other and will be subject to regular economic forces that will affect its pricing. In this article therefore, we will look at these forces that account for the differences so you know exactly what is going on and you will not be confused.

One very important factor that will affect pricing is distance and access at the point of origin. If you live in a quite remote place with no immediate access to a port which will connect to Manila or Cebu in the Philippines directly, then expect pricing will be affected upwards somewhat. Remember that basically the business you are contracting with is transport based in nature, and therefore distance factors in greatly.

Overall pricing can also be affected by the season one is in. Basically there are two important seasons in the Philippines which you need to take note of. This is the school opening season in May, and Christmas season in December. These months will always see a spike in delivery orders and this will also push prices up.

Financial and foreign exchange conditions can also affect the demand in terms of sending these boxes. Stronger dollar exchange against the Philippine peso will usually indirectly cause a rise in demand for balikbayan boxes, and vice versa. Take in to account these financial forces at play when trying to figure out discrepancies in pricing.

Size, weight, and dimensions of boxes transported will also vary in pricing across companies. Some companies will focus on charging based on weight only, others on dimensions, and others will take all into account. Thus do not be surprised if you also seem to get a wide difference in price when given the same basically sized box, for the charging philosophy may be different per company.

The final destination in the Philippines will affect the overall price charged to you as well. If the recipient. If the recipient in either the main hubs of Cebu and Manila, then most of the time you can expect a lower price. Should recipient be in the provinces, and areas outside the boundaries of both hubs, then expect pricing to be adjusted upwards also.

In sum this article has shown you what may cause differences in prices for these boxes being shipped. There are other factors such as warehousing and customs costs too to consider, but suffice to say that the items covered in this article will provide you with a base to work from in order to get a wider perspective.

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