Roles Of Land Acquisition Consulting Kenya

By Ryan Jones

There are quite a number of legal requirements that a project should follow before acquiring private property for development. The extensive process requires that there is a mediator in between the public who are the legal owners of the property and the government which initiates the project. For such a procedure to flow smoothly, it will, therefore, be important to engage the services of land acquisition consulting Kenya.

Land acquisition consultants are tasked with the role of ensuring smooth project consultation. They will be able to schedule all the necessary facets of land acquisition. Since they are experienced in these processes, the consultant will ensure that your project adheres to all the required elements of property regulations and laws. They will also be providing you with the necessary updates giving you peace of mind.

The consulting firm will provide the procures with professional advice and skills necessary for property transfer. It will initiate negotiation processes with the general public. Since they are equipped with strong interpersonal skills, the consultants are able to gain access rights to the prospective property. They achieve this by sharing the benefits that the public will gain from this decision thereby ensuring it is a win-win process for both the government and the public.

With the access rights, the consultant is now free to bring in the necessary technical teams. The technical teams then conduct the necessary studies for the project. This may in times involved soil testing, environmental impact assessment study and any other study that would impact the project development. This will ensure that the venture adheres to the set of land laws and regulation. They will include adherence to regulations set by bodies such as NEMA (National Environmental Management Authority)and WARMA(Water Resources Management Authority).

Different acquisitions will impact the general public in different ways. For this reason, it is the role of your land consultant to conduct a background research to ascertain how the project will affect the surrounding communities as well as the measure that will need to be put in place to address the impacts. If there will be a need for relocating the population the consultant will organize the process which will include sourcing for alternative land for them to move to.

Valuation is a very critical stage in the acquisition process. Consulting in the area of property possession will ensure that a valuation of such a property is done before effecting their plans. The valuation will enable them to prepare budget estimates required for the possession process. The expert will be better placed to conduct public property appraisal and review.

A title search will most likely run co-currently with the valuation process. The search will make it possible for the professional to identify the rightful owners of the affected property. In doing so, the consultant will ensure that the rightful owners of the properties affected are the only one who will benefit from the compensation. By doing so, the consultant ensures that the exercise maximizes the budgetary allocation set aside for the work.

The process of acquiring properties like this involves volumes of legal documentation. In most cases, they serve as a hindrance and can slow down the process. The consultant is thereby tasked with the roles of preparing the necessary legal description. This will ensure the ease through which the property will be acquired. They will also prepare the necessary certifications and clearance of the property for the construction of public works projects to commence. The consultants will be better placed to prepare property and route plat drawings necessary for the task in addition to planning development.

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