Petting A Show Quality Havanese

By John Williams

Dogs are generally seen as the best friend of mankind. Descending from domesticated wolves, dogs have proven to be loyal and loving to a fault. Throughout history, dogs have not only been members of the family, but also invaluable workers, helping ensure continued human survival. In return people have taken them is as pets. Lots of people want a puppy, and a show quality Havanese might be the right choice for some.

Dogs are generally cute. People think they are. Anyone who stays on the internet long enough will probably end up getting inundated with pictures of cute puppies. They are also loyal, almost to a fault, and will defend their families from pretty much anything and everything. There have even been cases of canines being so loyal that they refuse to leave the graves of their owners.

Throughout the generations, dogs have proven that they are extremely useful to humanity. They are protective, some can be trained to be wary or even aggressive of those that they perceive as threats to their families. They are also great for sniffing out illicit substances and bombs, as their noses are much more finely attuned than that of a human being. Then there is the undeniable fact that they are just great companions.

Now, in certain circles, the breeding of the animal is very important. Now, in a dog show, having the right breeding can be the difference between a win or a loss. A good performance combined with the right parent can sway the scorecards. Conversely, having a bad performance can be seen as much worse than it actually was given the bloodline involved.

Making sure that the pedigree is right is easy enough. After all, the results from shows and competitions is a matter of public record. DNA testing, while expensive, is also something that exists in the world and is something that can be done.

Competitions are going to be where the canine can really shine. In these competitions, they will compete against other dogs, and they will be judged by a committee of people. The winners will receive a medal or a trophy. Some of them will breed the winners with each other, so they are able to produce more winners.

Training is going be very important. The way to win is to have a good routine. That routine is not going to be implanted into the dog by magic. It is going to take some very rigorous training, which is why a good trainer, who can come up with a good routine and then implant it in the animal, will be needed.

Grooming is also important. If the dog is dirty and mangy, then no judge is going to give them the win. The shows are as much about looks as they are about performance. Which means a visit to the groomer is going to be necessary.

Winning can be all well and good. But not everyone is going to get to experience the thrill of victory. But some will be able to experience it more than others.

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