What You Did Not Know About Grass Cutting

By Stephanie Myers

You will enjoy spending time in your compound if it looks immaculate. In addition, your neighbors and friends will be eager to visit you in order to gaze at your garden. However, It will require effort on your part for this to be realized. Grass cutting is very important.

You should make a decision on whether or not to mow your lawn by checking the height. There are times when the grass will grow very fast while in others the growth will be retarded. Therefore, you should not just rely on the calendar to make such decisions.

You should vary the direction used when mowing too. It is not advisable to always be doing it towards the same side. It has to be shaken up for sometime. If you do not heed to this advice then you will only succeed in compacting the soil. The end result will be ruts. The grass will also thin and take up an unnatural position.

Grass should not be cut if it is covered by mist. The cut will not be even. Apart from this, sticky clippings will find their way to the movable parts of the machine clogging it. The mower will need unclogging frequently. The process will be very slow and it will require much effort. The worse part is that the grounds will not look immaculate at the end even after all the struggle. You will lose nothing by waiting for the water to clear before you start the process.

Some of the landscapes are not even. However, it is not an excuse to leave out the parts which are on raised platforms. You should mow at an angle in order to ensure that the blades of the machine do not affect the soil structure. Scalping will not occur. Slopes should be cut in a diagonal manner.

You should have a good overlap. People who are in a hurry tend to skimp when it comes to mower coverage. At the end of the day, it is your compound that will not be looking good. Therefore, you should be very careful. The overlap should not be more than 3 inches. It means that there cannot be strips which have been missed.

You ought to ensure that the blades are sharp enough. People who proceed with blunt blades will come to realize that the machine is only tearing and ripping apart the vegetation. In such a state, it will be only a matter of days before pests descend on them and diseases invade. It is very costly to deal with them. However, it will not take you much time to ensure that the blades have been sharpened.

When the compound has sharp corners, you need to make them round when you start the first cut. It means leaving some parts untouched. They should be dealt with afterward. It makes your work easier because you will only have to proceed in one direction a number of times and everything will end up being perfect. It takes less efforts compared to trying to handle them the same time as the rest of the field.

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