Causes Of Water Damage Los Angeles

By Rebecca Johnson

As a homeowner, sometimes, you might find that some of the boards in your house are rotten, or even worse, you might walk into the house and find it flooded. After you the initial shock wears off, you will need to call someone to come and handle the situation. The best people for the job are those who know about water damage Los Angeles. These experts can identify the problem, fix it, and tell you what to do to prevent it.

Sometimes, you might notice that some pipes in the house are leaking, and decide to just fix them with some duct tape. If you decide to do this and then just leave the pipe in its damaged state, you might find that a few weeks later, the wall and floor around that pipe have been affected. This might involve having rotten boards and discolored walls. If left unattended for long, this will very easily flood the whole house.

Damaged gutters are another thing, which can cause these problems. When it rains or snow starts to melt, the water should be directed from the roof, to the storm drain. If your gutters are not in good working order, the moisture may start running down your walls, or accumulating at the base of the house. This will end up damaging your wall, and may even compromise the foundation of the building.

Having a flat roof may also be a cause of water damage. If you live in Los Angeles, California you might not see the need for a slanted roof, because it does not rain that much. However, when it does rain, some of it might end up remaining on the roof. After a number of rains, your shingles, or tiles will start to rot.

When your air conditioning is working well, any moisture generated is properly disposed of. When it starts acting up, however, you might find that the water will start to run down your wall, and may even form a small pool on the ground. If this system is not repaired in good time, this might permanently discolor your wall, and it might destroy any wood located near that area.

No one would want to walk into the house, and find it flooded with water coming out of the toilet. However, this might happen if you sewage system is blocked. This will mean that every time you flush a toilet, the sewage does not move it just accumulates in the pipes. If you suspect that your sewer is blocked, it is better to call a plumber immediately. This prevents having the waste water flow back, through your pipes.

Sometimes, the damages caused by having excess moisture in the house are evident. Like when you find all your furniture floating, because a leaky pipe flooded the house. In other cases, the effects are a bit slower, and you might take longer to notice them. These include the growth of mold in the house, and the rotting of wood and shingles. Mold in your home is dangerous for your health, and rotten wood will end up costing you a lot of money to replace.

Dealing with this on your own can be very stressful. It is therefore advisable, to get an expert to come assess, and handle the situation for you. They can even give you pointers on what to change or install, in order to avoid being in a similar situation in future.

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