How To React When Under Attack By Ghosts

By Sharon Rogers

Narrations of attacks by demons feel like movie scripts to some people. For others, it is a reality that eats away their hearts in silence. It is even more frustrating that the persons to whom you would run for help do not understand your plight. You therefore need to understand how to respond when under attack by ghosts and how to keep them away from your life.

The solution to demonic attacks lies in identifying their sources and motivation. Experts claim that the demons enter your life through three channels. They may be ushered into life through your actions. In case you hold a grudge or have committed a crime, you are likely to experience frequent attacks as the spirits of the affected person search for justice. Parents who abandon their children are likely to experience this kind of invasion.

Spirits may be brought into your life by people with evil intentions. This kind of invasion is rare and not as dangerous or disturbing as the others. Such a person sends the spirits with malicious intentions. In case your conscious is clear, do not be worried. In fact, demons sent in this form are fearful and almost powerless. You can easily repel them and send them back to your tormentor.

The history of a residence or spot can cause ghost invasion. A scene of crime or spot where a lot of torture and death took place can be easily haunted by demons. Other places with residential spirits are old and abandoned homes. It is the memories and emotions of people who once lived in the area that cause the invasion. For crimes and torture, the spirits are out looking for revenge and restoration for victims.

Having identified the entry points, it is time to deal with the spirits. The most effective point to begin is with your conscience. In case you have no guilty feeling about persons you tortured, abandoned, hurt, etc, you can stand firm and fight off the spirits. They thrive on attention and fear and will escape the minute you do not bulge. In case there is a pending issue in your heart or with a third part, work to resolve it.

Demons found in a certain place can only be removed through renovation and a change of face. Well lit alleys, brightly colored walls, welcoming music for the silent corners and placing objects or decorations in unoccupied areas will send them away. Stock piles around the compound and bushes should also be cleared to destroy their dwelling areas. Renovation is key for this genre of spirits.

Psychics will help you understand why you are under attack. They negotiate with the spirits on your behalf and reveal their demands. This is an effective way of dealing with them and finally enjoying peace. Psychics are available throughout the world and can assist via email or over the phone.

Spiritual intervention is another option. Talk to your religious leader to cleanse the place as well as your heart. You may be required to make a prayer, attend a pilgrimage, make a sacrifice or even sprinkle and have holy paraphernalia in you house. Follow the directions of the religious leader for a lasting solution.

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