Your Options For Enterprise Architect TOGAF Training

By Deana Norton

TOGAF, or The Open Group Architecture Forum, is an architecture and methodology framework that's used by the world's leading businesses in order to help improve their efficiency. Luckily, there are now Enterprise Architect TOGAF Training options to learn more about it. Those that use this framework are guaranteed more credibility, effectiveness, and opportunities.

To be effective and functioning, a user must take a training course. It is the best and perhaps only way to attain the requisite knowledge. This is not a new enterprise, but goes back several decades and was initially based on principles of the US Department of Defense Technical Architecture Framework for Information Management. TAFIM as it is briefly known, has undergone a few revisions since 1995 to come to the point where it exists today as version 9.1

There are several types of courses and programs for individuals who are interested in learning more about this framework. There are TOGAF 9 certification programs which adds credibility to the individuals when it comes to impressing potential employers. This can be achieved through a two-part certification after either a self-study course or an accredited TOGAF 9 Training Course.

Speaking of accredited training courses, there are some companies that offer full on courses on the whole TOGAF 9 framework. These courses are handled by highly experienced senior architecture practitioners who have deep knowledge of The Open Group Architecture Forum. At the end of the courses, the students should have adequate knowledge on the concepts needed to implement the program within their organization.

The version 9.1 Level 1 and Level 2 course lasts for 4 days and is done in a classroom setting. It's very hands-on and covers the entire framework, even if you have no previous knowledge. In this sense, it's very suitable for beginners. Throughout the course, the students will be given real-life and practical situations to work around, thus helping them to learn the application procedures of the framework. After the course, there is an examination which will earn the student's the certification once passed.

There is also a Level 1 and Level 2 course that is a hybrid of a classroom and e-learning setting. With this course, the student is free to learn the course content of the first level (just the basics) with the freedom of time and place. When advancing to Level 2, it is done in a classroom environment in order to prepare them for sitting the Level 1 and Level 2 exam.

If only one of the two levels is needed, then there are courses to cover these needs as well. The Level 1 only course is done online, at any time and at any place. Again, this covers the basic concepts that are needed in order to pass and be certified for The Open Group Architecture Forum Level 1.

Sometimes only level one is needed for lower level employment. A student will get what is needed, but not more. It pays to evaluate your needs carefully so as not to miss an opportunity. You never know when you want to jump ahead to the next phase to enlarge your personal work capacity and effectiveness.

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