Some Interesting Facts About Nitrogen And Your N2 Generator

By Freida Michael

Nitrogen is a commonly required gas in industry. As such, special equipment is used to manufacture it so that it is available for industrial purposes. This equipment is known as an N2 generator, or a nitrogen generator. It is used to generate pure nitrogen gas from the air and this might actually sound surprising to the uninformed.

Nitrogen presents problems in its storage and handling. This is due to the fact that it only liquidizes at an exceptionally low temperature range. It does not remain at this temperature, either, without outside intervention - -180C or -300F. Making sure that it stays pure and liquid in storage is therefore tricky.

The storage of a gas at that temperature is also not easy. Trying to maintain such a low temperature obviously requires specialized equipment, since the natural environment does not reach that level of coldness and there is nowhere on earth that is naturally available. The other method is to maintain a very high pressure, which causes gases to stay in a liquid state, such as propane fuel gas in a cooking canister.

Nitrogen itself is harmless to people in its gaseous state. It represents 80% of the atmosphere at surface level. In other words, 80% of the air that you breathe is nitrogen. It does, however, have the ability to form compounds with other elements, and this is where users of the nitrogen generator might be interested in conducting some background research.

Nitric acid is perhaps one of the best known. It is one of the most potent acids in industry and its storage is not safe in any material over a long period of time. It forms through the combination of nitrogen, hydrogen and oxygen and its use requires special training. Nitrates are commonly found in agriculture, where they are some of the main ingredients in fertilizer. They should be identified in isolation to nitrites. The difference is that nitrites have two oxygen atoms but nitrates have three. Nitrates are formed by soil and root bacteria, which use the nitrogen in the atmosphere. An example of a plant that does this is the lupin.

Nitric acid contains nitrogen, hydrogen and oxygen. Concentrated nitric acid is so corrosive that it cannot be stored in anything for more than a temporary period. It is possibly the most corrosive acid of all acids and it should only be handled by those who are qualified to do so. Nitrates are a group of nitrogenous compounds that occur in agricultural fertilizers. The nitrogen in the atmosphere is trapped into the soil by bacteria which are resident in the roots of some plants, for example lupins. Nitrates have three oxygen atoms, and so should not be confused with nitrites, which have only two.

In agriculture, nitrogen is used in the form of nitrate compounds. These are typically found in fertilizers. The nitrogen is secured from the atmosphere by bacteria in the roots of some plants, such as lupins. Nitrates should be distinguished from nitrites. A nitrate has three oxygen atoms, whereas a nitrite has two. Then there is also nitric acid, which is perhaps the most volatile of all acids and which cannot be reliably stored in any other material for a long period of time. Nitric acid is formed when nitrogen combines with hydrogen and oxygen. It is extremely dangerous and should not be handled casually.

If you use the nitrogen generator, you should be educated about these compounds so that you can maintain the equipment properly and also take measures against possible damage to it. They may also interfere with the ability of the generator to produce pure nitrogen on a consistent basis.

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