Twitter Has Introduced The Buy Button To Enable In-Tweet Transactions

By Bilal Hamdan

Twitter has now introduced the buy button to enable In-Tweet transactions. It will start with a small group of users. It looks like a good way to change things around and offer something new to Twitter users.

Competition for mobile applications is heating up as 60 to 70 percent of all of the searches are now being conducted by mobile devices. Apple has already introduced its own phone-based payment system and Facebook is testing their version already.

All of the social networks, including Pinterest see the making of their platforms into e-commerce sites as the wave of the future, where if they fail to take advantage of the wave, they may miss out altogether. It would be safe to say that they all are into some sort of a plan or are experimenting with an e-commerce ability, but as of yet none of them have a real concrete plan of implementation.

It is a bold move that is not unlike Twitter and its ability to move into new territory when it comes to e-commerce solutions that can make it easier for people that are in business, and also consumers, in trying to purchase products from their phones simply tapping buttons in order to buy products and services that they find online.

This will allow people to buy more freely when they are on Twitter. They won't have to go to another website to do so. This will free up more time which will be a good thing. As time goes on, Twitter keeps getting more and more exciting. There is more you can do on it and more ways to connect. It will be interesting to see what they will do in the future.

When it comes to buying online, a lot of people do it everyday. Because of that people also want an easy way to do it. They do not like complicated. By buying things thorough the Twitter app, they can buy them easier and in a faster way. The only issue might be privacy. If someone doesn't trust Twitter they won't want to give them their financial information. They will be afraid to do so and would rather give it to the seller directly. Twitter will need to assure people that it is safe to buy items this way. That their information is going straight to the seller and that it won't be used for anything else. It is very important that they do this so people do not have to worry that it will be in the wrong hands.

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