Direct Marketing 101: A Beginners Guide To Getting More Leads

Getting more leads is actually quite a basic thing. There are only a couple of ways to do it. And they are all effective in growing businesses. Most of the time when I talk to clients they are not really doing everything they can in order to maximise the return on their lead generation investment.
So here are three ways I look to get myself and my clients more leads:
Lead Generation Opportunity #1: Make your existing lead generation convert more.
This should be the first port of call. Many marketers and business owners don't really get this right.
It is very easy to increase the conversion rate of your existing lead generation. For many businesses it isn't that hard to double the traffic they are getting from Google AdWords without spending any extra budget.
The same applies to most other advertising media.
Using broadcast fax (legal here in Australia) I've been able to 4X response rates to marketing of my own business - using a very simple strategy that most businesses can use but will never bother to use. It's not that hard to be honest.
Getting a professional copywriter in to do this sort of work will have its rewards.
Once You've squeezed what you can out of conversion, it's on to step 2.
Lead Generation Opportunity #2: Adding More Media:
Once you have maximised the return on your existing media the next port of call is to start adding more media. If you have a pre-existing lead conversion mechanism this is just 'money for jam.' Get the media started get it tested and optimised and you know sales will pop out the end of your lead conversion mechanism in due course.
It's that easy.
There is a mountain of available media for almost every worthwhile market - so as long as you selected a market that is worthwhile, you can expand your lead generation media quickly and effectively to meet your lead generation goals.
Lead Generation Opportunity #3: Working Your Already Generated Leads!
For all but the most sophisticated marketing operations this represents a massive opportunity. Building marketing systems akin to an assembly line that systematically progress existing leads at their own pace to raise their hand ready to buy.
If you don't have this in place, your business is relegated to perpetually hunting for fresh leads and working those cold leads as though they were hot.
Wealth and stability in business can be traced more to the accumulation of a database of leads that are being systematically worked all the time for fresh opportunities than any other business activity.
Let this opportunity slip at your peril.
Bottom Line: Getting existing media to work better, making more media viable and effectively working your existing leads, are all determined by your ability write persuasive copy. And now I would like to invite you to claim your FREE instant access to three free "Copywriting Video Critiques" (and two free reports) when you visit
You'll see how common copywriting mistakes and what you can do to change them to increase the response rate to your sales letters, websites and much more. You can make these changes for yourself right away.
From Zac Nelles, Direct Response Copywriter and Direct Marketing Strategist.
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