Simple Facts About Geese Removal

By Jessica Stevens

Places with large populations of geese mean that the birds pose a major threat to both the environment and residents. Geese feed heavily on grass meaning that they may cause some serious damage to lawns in a place. Excessive feeding on lawns ruins the grass, thus interfering with its proper growth. This way, the birds can damage the otherwise beautiful scenery. Besides, their droppings dirty and make places smelly. Thus geese removal can be an emergency in some cases.

In most occasions, areas with open water bodies are preferred by these birds. They need water for drinking and swimming and go back to the land to find food. The level of fish can be decreased to a critical level in case there are fish in the water body where these birds exist. With that, the extinction of fish can occur in some cases. A goose may be a flight risk in areas where aircraft, vehicles, boats, and other automobiles frequent.

If a goose falls in the engine of an aircraft, it could cause it to go down due to engine failure. Because of all these disadvantages associated with geese, it is often best to control their movement, presence, and activities in an area. There are various methods that have been devised to deal with this problem. Some methods are humane while others are not.

To avoid getting in trouble with the law it is highly recommended to use humane techniques. In most jurisdictions, the concerned arms of local governments have put in place laws which aim at protecting geese from activities that are inhumane. As such, certain techniques of elimination are prohibited while others are allowed. Besides it is compulsory that civilians obtain permits prior to engaging in any geese control activities.

Thus, one should understand all the laws that exist in their locality before engaging in any control activity. One of the most successful methods of geese control is construction of fences. Building a fence around a water body where the birds frequent is an excellent method of denying them access to an area.

A goose normally loves to roost, feed, and loaf close to water masses so that they may escape with ease when frightened. When fencing is done, their capability to flee away with an ease is limited. Also, with fences, their line of vision and line of movement is broken. They will eventually get tired even when they succeed to fly over the barrier each time. This is because doing that every moment they want to reach the area is tiresome. As a result, they will relocate to other regions where they can access easily.

Another approach proved to be successful is the application of frightening devices. Pyrotechnics, flagging, lasers, and effigies are among the frightening mechanism that can be applied. In this approach, the movement or sounds generated by the devices scare the birds away. It takes a few days to see success.

The use of chemical repellents is also an effective method. Some of the chemicals that can be used here include Methyl Anthranilate and anthraquinone. Methyl Anthranilate causes a pain sensation when it is inhaled by these birds while anthraquinone upsets the stomach upon being consumed. Repeated stomach upsets usually cause the birds to avoid feeding on food source that contains it.

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