Information On Executive Coaching Telecommunications

By Carolyn Clark

The transmission of signals, signs, images, writings, or any form of information by radio, wire or electromagnetic systems of any nature is referred to as telecommunication. Before the invention of the internet and other modern data networks, telecommunication systems had a clear meaning with the use of telegraphs and telephones that were controlled by telephone controllers. The drastic changes in technology have diversified the telecommunication systems by a large margin. There has been a major phase off of the traditional systems with more technologically advanced systems kicking in. This piece is about executive coaching telecommunications

The need for executive training for telecommunications grows by the day. The phenomenal increase in the use of such trainers in recent years has been brought about by changes in the telecommunication context, especially in organizations. Executive training unlike mentoring involves paying the trainer for his or her services. It is goal oriented and it is aimed at improving performance, executive behavior and enhancing careers to prevent derailment because of changes in an organization.

It is divided into six important stages. The first step is entry together with contracting. This phase usually builds a good relationship between the coach and client by laying the ground rules and outlining the level of commitment required in this whole process. This is done to make sure effective dialogue throughout such a process. The pre-requisite desire for the executive to change is very important and its basis is laid out at this stage.

The second phase is identifying issues that the coach plans to address through the process in terms of telecommunication. It is considered that starting by setting off in the right direction is a critical step. Plans and priorities are expected to be laid out at this stage and the problem should be set within a larger perspective and those priorities important to the client reviewed.

The coach and client should reach a common understanding as the third step. However, different coaches choose to make different approaches at this stage. The major aspects are job opportunities, personal effectiveness and career aspirations in telecommunications as an industry. The success criteria are, therefore, addressed using these three factors to ensure effective coaching.

Planning action is the fourth step. It involves using the ideas created in the previous stages and using them to come up with solutions in order to have a successful outcome and to accomplish the needed changes. The actions needed for addressing the problems are termed as the personal development plan. The coach is expected to help the client review the options and go ahead to identify the solutions they may have.

Fifth is reviewing action. This is the implementation phase. Executives are motivated to maintain action so as to achieve progress. It takes most of the time in coaching. The last phase is closure which prevents executives from being dependent on their coaches. The sessions can be done from time to time by contracting every few months. The coach is not supposed to be a life-long mentor thus ending when the objective is achieved.

Different telecommunication methods work on different organizations and at different levels of management. It is therefore important to ensure that executives acquire the relevant skills for their places of work in order to enhance their capabilities and flexibility in handling telecommunication.

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