Becoming A Colorist In St Catharines

By Jason Campbell

As suggested in the name, the term colorist is generally used to refer to someone who specializes in applying color to surfaces, pictures, or other forms of media. When the application of color is done digitally, these professionals are referred to as digital colorists. Since there are many different kinds of colorists in existence, this article will focus on hair colorists in this article. Any hair colorist in St Catharines is well-qualified and experienced to offer high-quality services.

The specialty of hair colorists is in the use of reactive chemicals to change the color of hair. One needs to achieve certain training and academic qualifications in order to qualify to work in this field. There are state-approved cosmetology programs that one can take to qualify. The various states in the US have similar or closely related training requirements. Hair coloring falls among the areas covered in training.

Students taking hair coloring courses are trained in the best procedures they should use to dye the various kinds of hair. They are also taught how to select the best color for a specific kind of hair, event, or other aspects. Dying of eye brows and eyelashes is also covered during training. Once one has completed this training, they are qualified to apply for a license.

It is a requirement in every state for a hair colorist to hold a state cosmetology license. Different states have different licensure requirements. However, most states require practitioners to complete at least 1000 hours of formal training before being licensed. Beside formal training, practitioners must also pass a hands-on skills test and sit for a written examination. The license must be renewed periodically, and further training is mandatory in some states.

Colorists work with clients most of the time. That makes it necessary to be good in oral communication so as to handle clients better. Understanding the exact demands of the client is very important before one can start working. The dyes and bleaches used in this process may cause some level of hazard. To keep safe from such hazards, colorists wear hand gloves and aprons.

There is a lot of timing that needs to be done in this process. To achieve desirable results, the colorist must be able to stop the process in good time. Tasks are usually separated in large salons so that there are specialists who handle hair cutting, styling, shampooing, and coloring. The same may not be correct for small salons where there may only be one cosmetologist to handle all those functions. Physical fitness is of great importance in this field because workers spend several hours on their feet. Shifts also last long.

One can be licensed to work in multiple states. However, it is a requirement to produce evidence of training before applying for a license in another state besides the one they are licensed or trained in. One can advance their training and knowledge in this field by attending advanced academic programs or learning through online resources or DVDs.

Statistics from 2015 indicate that cosmetologists, hairdressers, and hair stylists earned an annual income of 23660 USD. People who work as colorists may be employed in a salon or they may be self-employed. Self-employed colorists usually own private salons from where they work.

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