Facts Related To Ipl Treatment Sterling VA Residents Should Know

By Kenneth McDonald

There are numerous cosmetic treatments that can be used in the management of skin conditions. One of the most popular (and effective) options is intense pulse light therapy (or ipl). This is a non-invasive, non-ablative therapy that uses a pulsed light to alter the appearance of the skin. If they plan on having ipl treatment sterling VA residents should know several things in advance.

Ipl based therapies have been used for various skin conditions with tremendous success. Such include, for example, vascular lesions such as rosy cheeks and spider veins among others. Another groups of conditions include wrinkles, coarse facial lines, acne, age marks and freckles. To restore the youthfulness of the skin, the therapy is usually administered in serial fashion. This process is popularly termed photorejuvenation.

The mechanism by which intense pulse light treatment achieves its effect is very similar to that of laser based therapies. The intense light is usually directed to a specific area on the skin after which absorption by cells known as chromophores takes place. The light energy is later converted to thermal energy which causes injury to tissues found in the dermis of the skin. The healing process that ensues generates better collagen tissues and a smoother skin texture.

The decision to undergo this therapy is usually made by the skin therapist once they have examined your condition. They will then explain to you what they will do and whether or not any risks exist. It is recommended that one avoids direct sun exposure in the weeks leading up to the therapy if they are to get optimal results. You will also be required to have protective eye wear before treatment is started.

The treatment itself is quite easy to administer. One session typically lasts for between twenty and thirty minutes but a little longer for large skin areas. The majority of patients report a positive change as soon as the first session is completed. However, optimal results require between 4 and six sessions to be realized. The sessions are three to four weeks apart.

Side effects associated with the therapy are few and rare. Pain is the commonest complaint. It is attributable to irritation of nerve endings in the epidermis and dermis as well as direct cell injury by the heat generated. Application of topical analgesic agents to the area before treatment usually helps take care of this problem. Of almost equal frequency in occurrence is a feeling of soreness in the area that has been treated. The soreness usually resolves within a few hours.

Ipl has several other indications apart from the treatment of skin conditions. Hair removal is one of these indications. When one directs the pulsed light to a hair follicle the affected hair strand will fall off. Although the strand is not completely removed, it does not grow back. The parts of the body on which that is done include the chest, face, neck, the legs and the bikini line among others.

Ipl therapy appears to be increasing in application with tome thanks to ongoing research activities regarding the benefits of the treatment. It is becoming clear that this therapy will have an important role in the management of skin malignancies such as squamous cell carcinoma and basal cell carcinoma both of which have been quite difficult to treat. Home use devices are set to make the treatment easier for all that wish to have it.

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