About Eyelash Extensions In Long Island

By Young Lindsay

You no longer need to out buckets of mascara on your eyelashes or put on false ones as there are other incredible options available in this regards. If you look back, you could see that women were very fond of wearing false extensions and they didn't even look good and carried a very low quality and artificial look, but thank fully, things have changed recently. You can now get eyelash extensions in Long Island, they look amazing and enhance your appearance to a great extent.

You need to get them done from a professional person only as not everyone is trained to do so. As they are applied over your natural lashes so extra care should be taken all the times in order to avoid any long lasting damages to your eyelashes.

It depends on your personal preference whether you opt for a full set or a half set. If you choose to go for the full set, then it could take as long as an hour to complete the procedure and separate false lashes are applied to your natural lashes and about 100 of them are applied. They give a very heavy and thick feel to your eyes. On the other hand, if you go for half set, they bear a very natural look and it doesn't take that much time to do a half set.

Tremendous consideration ought to be taken before and additionally after the augmentation treatment on the grounds that else you may wind up harming them. Its paramount that you talk about with the expert specialist that what you are going for and whether it is achievable or not. Amid your gathering you ought to examine what precisely you need, to what extent the lashes ought to be, what kind of thickness you're searching for and whether you need them to twist up at the tips or not.

You must remain mentally ready for the treatment after you have discussed everything. During the procedure your eyes will remain fully closed so you don't have to worry about any sort of discomfort that you would feel or pain whatsoever.

A good quality extension should last up to around eight to twelve weeks only if you are able to take care of them. They will drop off eventually just like your natural eyelashes. You will start loosing around 15 lashes every 2 weeks and finally all of them will be gone.

You must not touch them at all or get them dirty or wet during the first 24 hours of their application because they are not fully set. So, you need to remain very careful until they are firmly set in order to avoid any sort of damage.

As these false eyelashes are very thick, so they give a fuller effect to your eyes and you don't necessarily need to apply any type of mascara at all because the lashes are so thick themselves. But, still there are women who prefer wearing a mascara on top of that. So, you can apply mascara but remain careful and always buy oil free mascara as that is the only suitable option for false lashes. Try to avoid putting too much eye makeup on after you get such treatment in order to avoid damage to your eyelashes.

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