Prisoner Transport Systems And Tips In Transporting Them

By Leticia Jensen

Long ago, horses and wagons were used to transport prisoners. Some countries are still trying to use these modes of transportation today. In the current time, police departments worldwide have used retrofitted automobiles to safely transfer their prisoners to different correctional institutions.

Mentioning security, prisoner transport systems of today are now using bulletproof glasses, segregated compartments, and meshed windows. There might be a different compartment for police officers escorting these people as well. This will secure the life of an officer especially when they are away from back up and are isolated during the route.

Some advanced security technologies are also deployed during the route. Few of these could be radio communications, advanced weapons, global positioning, and CCTV cameras that are accessible by certain police agencies. These technologies will further ensure the safety of the officers and would be serve as proof of evidence in emergency cases, especially cameras.

Traditionally, these vehicles of transferring prisoners are handled by the police. It is possible that they have spent a large amount of money to maintain these. On the one hand, some departments have tried to cut expenses by partnering with private agencies in terms of prisoner transport. This is also said to help them designated other tasks to the agency for an optimize public service.

Before utilizing these private automobiles, the department would run through a series of compliance test. These test will check if it can confidently cater the needs of the prisoners and secure the life of the officers as well. Few of the test would include checking the space and the comfort level it has for the person inside. Other things would then focus on overall vehicle condition.

Furthermore, transporting a prisoner is a hard task. Incident reports have been saying that several officers have been hurt and prisoners have been harassed. Another point of this article is to help officers securely and safely transfer them. Below are helpful tips that you might want to check.

Starting with, searching the convict even if the last police officers have done so is a wise thing. It is not about distrusting other officers but making sure there are no weapons hidden by the person that will endanger the life of everyone. It is also important have the correct body position when doing it to prevent a prisoner from snatching your gun.

Next, do not make friends with them and always follow non disclosure procedures. They are not enemies but they have full motivation to do anything to escape. Do not entertain questions about yourself and your family because you do not know what these people are capable of doing. Stay professional and protect yourself at all times.

Lastly, do not stop whatever happens inside the van. Stopping while on the way can increase possibilities of getting ambushed. Prepare everything that you need before the transport. If there is a need to eat lunch, put in a brown box or eat fast food. Moreover, if the prisoner wants you to stop to urinate, do not allow this unless you have enough back up. Even if the person is about to have a cardiac arrest, ask for backup or a supervisor first before doing anything. Do not let a split second or an event turn the tides against you. Remember, it is your life and their freedom at hand.

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